What is happening to your grass in these cold winter months? In the winter months, your lawn goes into a stage of dormancy to survive by preserving energy in the form of nutrients in the cold, harsh winters. Cool season grasses begin to fall into dormancy when the temperatures consistently range below 45-55 degree Fahrenheit.  But cold weather is not the only thing that can force your lawn into a stage of dormancy, constant temperatures over 90 degrees Fahrenheit and lack of moisture can also result in a lawn entering dormancy. If you start to see brown or burn spots occurring sporadically around your yard during a heat wave, your lawn most likely has entered a stage of dormancy. Just because your grass is turning brown does not mean it is dead. It simply is entering a state of “efficiency’ to endure the less than ideal conditions. Once soil temperatures reach an optimal level grasses will release nutrients stored in the roots and rejuvenate the sheaths and blades of grass. Taking proper precautions in the fall/spring will ensure that your lawn will come back to its true green self once the weather turns around.


The most common types of warm weather grasses in Morris County New Jersey are Kentucky bluegrass, Fine Fescue, Tall Fescue, or Perennial Ryegrasses. In the winter months, these grass types go dormant to survive and preserve energy. These grasses are fully prepared to handle temperatures of -5 degrees Fahrenheit. In Morris County, the first frost on the year typically begins in late October or early November and the last frost of the year generally occurs in early to mid-May. It is always important to understand your lawn and the sages that it goes through during each season.  Using grass seed or other plantings that are not consistent with grasses that can survive your climate can be a very costly mistake, so it is always recommended to contact a lawn care professional when looking to plant new seed, over seed or install perennial plantings.


What can you do to your lawn to protect it during a long stage of dormancy in these brutally cold winter months? It is relatively simple, keep your yard clear of leaves and brush. For families with children, it is also recommended to keep your lawn clear of toys, as well as reducing foot traffic on the yard. Watering your lawn in the winter should never be done, watering in the winter can cause bacteria, and molds to form on your grass that could lead to your lawn dying out — minimizing foot traffic in the cold winters it imperative keeping your lawn safe in the winter. Footprints can cause damage to the blades and will make it harder for grass to recover from the brutal winters. Stepping on grass that has ice on is also going to cause damages to your grass blades which can cause a lot of stress for your lawn in the spring. If you notice weeds or any types on general growth occurring on your yard during the winter month contact a professional, to have the growth removed before it can become out of control in the spring and summer months.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact and Pando team member! We would love to hear from you!